I had a secret wish that I might see my own guardian angel shown to me.
Imagine my surprise to have revealed not one, but two on either side of me.
Was I so wicked that I needed two? So mischievous that one just wouldn’t do?
Or perhaps just luckier than most to have two angels there at my behest.
Though basking in their care was very nice, I realized that two was really twice the care I needed
so could send one away to tend a struggling friend or help an aching heart begin to mend.
So first I sent the angel on the right with messages of courage, love and light to strengthen those souls fighting the good fight.
When it returned, exhausted, then the left was sent to heal the suffering and bereft.
And so by turns my angels fly from me, to minister to every creature’s needs.
I must confess, though, sometimes I don’t share, but hog it all, immersed in double care.
Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury
Meghaduta, “Cloud Messenger”
“……you of onward journey, day by day more arduous and testing: wearied, very wearied, on those peaks you’ll stay and by those foaming waters take your rest awhile.”
Sanskrit playwright 4th-5th century CE
Gemini’s motto is “I Think”
“I think, therefore I am.“
Rene Descartes ~ 1596-1650
French philosopher, scientist and mathematician widely considered a seminal figure in the emergence of modern philosophy and science.