Summer Song
by Froggy
Summertime is picnic time
The sky is blue the sun do shine
There is no place I’d rather be
Than underneath my favorite tree.
The Woodland Wonders animal totem for Cancer is The Northern Flicker.
Nodding and bobbing, they court,
Flashing and sparring, they vie.
Flitting and chasing, they woo.
Wooing accomplished, they nest.
All done with grace and sweet song.
I see the moon. Does it see me? Or how I feel?
Does it know that I am lost, or sad or apprehensive?
Or anticipating something? Contemplating? Pensive? Or how I feel?
I see the moon. Does it see me?
The sign of Cancer is governed by the element, Water.
Water Snake
One summer day out walking, wearied by the heat, I approached a riverbank to cool my aching feet. I sat upon a jutting root, removed my socks and shoes, eager to submerge my toes into the water’s pool.
Below the surface, lurking just where I would dip my toes, a large black snake was curled. Abruptly ending my repose, I jumped back in fear; then watched it writhing in the water from a distance, not too near.
Dread and loathing soon gave way to curiosity at its mesmerizing movements and fine scales of ebony, as it rippled through the water with a deft fluidity.
Eventually it swam away. I put back on my shoes. The chilling threat of danger was enough to keep me cool.
Cancer’s motto is “I FEEL”
Even in Kyoto-
hearing the cuckoo’s cry-
I long for Kyoto
–Matsuo Bashe