Late Summer

Virgo’s Woodland Wonders animal totem is The Ladybug

Social Butterfly

Cheery busy Ladybug, every gardener’s friend,

takes her tea with aphids on the rosebuds’ leaves and stems.

Dressed in red with polka dots and underwings of lace, delighting everyone she meets and brightening every face;

simply by existing makes the world a better place.

She’ll take time to stop and chat and rest upon your hand, when suddenly it’s

“I must run!” and off she flits again.

Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury

Meghaduta, “Cloud Messenger”


“……you of onward journey, day by day more arduous and testing: wearied, very wearied, on those peaks you’ll stay and by those foaming waters take your rest awhile.”


Sanskrit playwright 4th-5th century CE

Virgo’s element is Earth

Reliable, Pliable Worms

by Celia Warren from her book Don’t Poke a Worm till it Wriggles

Worms are dependable, stretchy and bendable, always extendable, garden befriendable, completely commendable:


Virgo’s motto is “I Analyze”

Zen Master

The crane creeps with slowed steps, contemplating each measured move.

Silent, standing, each foot landing, barely rippling the mirrored pool.

Watching, waiting, faint vibrating signals nearing bright-finned food.

Splashing, crashing, great wings thrashing, falling face-first in the pool.

Sparkling, glorious, rise victorious, snatching fish prize from the pool.

Gulping, gripping, longneck rippling, making quick work of her meal.

Dainty sipping, huge beak dripping, rising she regains her cool.