Far across a churning endless sea
A single tern flies indefatigably
Toward a new life, miles and miles away.
This spectral bird invades my nightly dreams
And whispers in my ear that I am saved.
The characteristics of planet Jupiter are expansion, optimism, abundance, understanding, luck and growth
Also, curiosity leading to a love of learning, knowledge and self-improvement
Searching for guiding principles, inspiration to achieve goals, happiness and a noble spirit
Fire is the element that brings energy, enabling our actions
Sagittarius’ motto is “I SEE”
Father Eagle, golden eye, from his regal perch can spy the petty workings of our lives.
Even so, we feel his love as he circles high above watching everything that moves.
Soul protector, fear deflector, hope and courage resurrector, lifts our hearts if we but try.
Look up! look up! raise your eye to the beacon of the sky that tells our earthbound spirits….”FLY!”
She watches from a distant woodsy perch, not too close nor far, just to observe
her two young fledglings clumsily at work
practicing at learning how to hunt for any morsels they might find for lunch.
Simply watching, never nearing. Protective, but not interfering.
The legendary wisdom of the owl, perhaps exaggerated, still somehow
retains a grain of truth.
One thing I know, she’s expert at the art of letting go.