
This website would never have come to fruition without the help of my wonderful supportive family, whom I cannot thank enough. I am hugely grateful to my husband, David, for patiently navigating me through the treacherous waters of digital graphics and always reminding me to “save your files!”; to my daughter, Sarah, for much hand holding in learning how to build a website and encouraging me to just “dive in” and do it; to my son, Warren, for believing in me so much that he kept the malachitefrog site name active for me for years before I even took the first step toward doing anything about it, and for his invaluable technical expertise.

I am also eternally thankful to my wonderful “sestras” and “bros”: to Lynn, prayer warrior par excellence; to Laura, my muse and litmus test in all things literary; to Tracy, my champion, cheerleader and go to PR brain stormer; to Kurt, whose humor, creative ingenuity and open heart have always been an inspiration; and to our dear Marty, who I’m sure checks in on all of us from above occasionally, in between celebrations with the Spirit in the sky in the place that’s the best.

I cannot conclude these acknowledgements without appreciating and honoring the memory of our wonderful parents Carolyn and Kenneth, to whom this website is dedicated, and Rachel our sweet niece/cousin/daughter, inspiring artist, writer and friend to so many, whose angel’s touch continues to guide us all as we wend our way.