I used to think that winter’s grey was something to avoid and stayed burrowed in my bed quite late, covered up from toe to head, away from cloudy icy days. Still, the dog must be walked, right? So, grumbling, I’d prepare to hike. Dressed against the bitter cold, I’d walk along a crumbling road where the only things in sight were barren fields on left and right.
Usually this seemed dull to me; dry brown fields, dead grass, no leaves. It happened one day I set out much earlier than was my way and arrived at those grey fields to something that seemed strange. . .unreal.
Overnight the blades of grass had transformed into shards of glass.
Frost had turned each brittle strand into a kind of fairyland. Not just grass, but fences, trees, the crackled pavement, everything that I could see was crystal sparkling brilliantly.
My eyes and heart were opened then to all the beauty I had missed while sleeping through the frosty morns that winter’s icy lips had kissed.
Secrets that were formerly by summer’s foliage hid from me were now abundantly revealed.
Is that a kestrel that I see?
Was that a coyote in that field pouncing on a mousey meal?
Next, I saw a herd of cows, unnoticed by me until now, as I had always come too late to see the rancher move the gate to let them in to rest and graze.
Some were standing; some were lying. From each a steamy breath was rising on the icy air. Then I saw the strangest thing out in the field. I know not how. A little coyote nestled close against a huge reclining cow. Neither creature fearing harm, snuggled tightly side-by-side, peacefully contented there, each to keep the other warm.
I rise early, cheerful now, and dress in layers head to toe, to set out in the biting air not knowing what awaits me there.
Light of heart, my pet in tow, I leash her up and think –LET’S GO!