After she had given herself a lengthy and very thorough grooming she said to herself, “Ah, there, now I’m ready for my morning bath.” Her bath was the highlight of her day. After a delightful soaking in the birdbath she would put a sprig of lavender blossoms under each wing and only then consider herself ready for the day.
Mona took flight. No, it wasn’t the most delicate and ladylike of liftoffs, but it was accompanied with a pleasing whooshing of fluttering wings. She headed for the birdbath. As she got near, she closed her eyes, anticipating that delightful luxurious plunge into the cool clear water. Her aim was perfect. She alit dead center in the basin.
Instead of finding herself in a refreshing bath, Mona found that she had landed in what could only be described as her worst nightmare. She was in the middle of a tub of disgusting filth. She seemed to be surrounded by slimy debris and unidentifiable masses of grossness. It seemed much like the leavings of a gang of drunken dirty pirate snails. Which of course it was.
Mona screamed. She was frozen with panic. She had to get out of this foul mess but she could not move! For in every direction was ever more disgusting nastiness waiting to cling to her. Her wings were already slime covered. Her chest feathers were dripping with some kind of viscous scum. And there was a wiggling piece of who knows what hanging from her beak. Was it alive? Mona screamed again.