Chapter VI
Froggy and Eunice talk about evolution
“Yes, Eunice”
“Do you believe in evolution?”
“Oh yes Eunice, definitely,” said Froggy. “It’s a SCIENTIFIC FACT,” said Froggy, enunciating each syllable to show Eunice how smart she was.
“Really?” said Eunice. “How do you know?”
“I read all about it in a very old book.”
“Ooh!” squealed Eunice. “Tell Meee!”
“Well, let’s see,” said Froggy, gathering her thoughts. “First everything was a formless nothing and there was….well….nothing. Then…VOILA!…there was a big light. So it became half dark and half light. Next came water, and it divided in half too, the water above and the water below.”
“That’s so it could rain,” interrupted Eunice.
“Right,” said Froggy, taking a sidelong look at Eunice and raising her eyebrows. “Then the water below became a big mass of matter.”
“What’s matter?” asked Eunice.
“You know,” said Froggy. “Stuff……Then from the matter grew veggies of all kinds.”
“Even broccoli?” asked Eunice.
“Even algae,” said Froggy in an impressive teaching kind of voice. “Then the planets came all spinning round each other, making the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds, gigaseconds….”
“O.K! O.K.!” said Eunice. “I GET IT! Then What?”
“Then,” said Froggy, “came the swimmy creatures in the water and the crawly and flying creatures on the earth and in the air.”
“Even beetles?” asked Eunice, looking hopeful.
“Even amoeba,” said Froggy.
“Then came the amphibians, like me, and all the farm animals like cows, horses, sheep, cats, dogs and such.”
“Probably elephants came last,” speculated Eunice. “It would take a long time to evolve an elephant.”
“You’re probably right,” agreed Froggy.
“Gosh,” breathed Eunice. “That’s amazing. What do you think caused all this evolution stuff to happen?”
Froggy leaned back on her elbows, and with the smug expression of greater experience said, “God, of course.”

As the evening sun began to set, Froggy and Eunice began making their way toward home.
“You know,” said Froggy, “I can’t believe we’re actually having this conversation in this day and age.”
“Yeah,” agreed Eunice, ” Me neither. Now, tell me a story about that guy who was always looking up at the sky.”
“Well,” began Froggy, taking Eunice by the hand as they strolled homeward. “There was once a great scientist, named Galileo, who lived a very long time ago………”