Chapter VII
How Froggy and Eunice got their names
Since Froggy is a tree toad, I thought you might be wondering how she got the name Froggy. Why not Toadie, for instance? Well, I’ll tell you why.
It was soon after she was born that Froggy’s parents were gazing lovingly on their new little speckled-green bundle of joy.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she dear?” said Mrs. Toad dreamily.
“Just so,” agreed Mr. Toad. “She’s got such unusual features. There’s something very frog-like about her eyes and mouth, don’t you think?”
“Yes,” said Mrs. Toad with a little surprise of recognition in her voice, “I think you’re right!” Then, getting that light bulb going off in her head expression, Mrs. Toad said, “That’s IT, darling! We’ll name her Froggy!”
“Perfect,” agreed Mr. Toad.
And THAT was THAT.
Now Eunice’s story is quite a different matter. As her grandmother and great grandmother were both named Eunice, and as her mother is a very traditional beetle, there was never any question as to what her name would be.