Suspended animation swims with slowly subtle flick of fin that charms the mind and lures it in.
Mesmerizing sorceress, she conjures unremembered sins and cradles them in one held breath.
Below the surface letting go, she watches as they rise and float and, stopping time, dissolves them all.

Pisces is ruled by two planets: Jupiter and Neptune

The Hunting of the Stag
excerpt: by Margaret Lucas Cavendish (1623-1673)
There was a Stag, did in the Forest lye,
Whose Neck was long, whose Horns were Branch’d up high,
His legs were nervous, and his Joynts were strong,
His Haunch was broad, Sides large, and Back was long,
His hair lay Sleek and Smooth, he was so Fair,
None in the forest might with him Compare.

Trompe L’oeil
Deep beneath the deep blue sea, slumbers ancient mystery.
Is it treasure hidden there? Or something much more sinister.
The murky depths make it unclear.
Tricked by watery illusion, the mind, confused by deep delusion,
beckoned by the siren’s call, ventures deeper….risking all.

Pisces‘ element is Water

You Don’t Believe
by William Blake
You don’t believe – I won’t attempt to make ye.
Sleep on! sleep on! while in your dreams
Of reason you may drink of Life’s clear streams.
Reason and Newton, they are quite two things;
For so the swallow and the sparrow sings.
Reason says ‘Miracle’: Newton says ‘Doubt’
Aye! that’s the way to make all Nature out.
‘Doubt, doubt, and don’t believe without experiment’.
That is the very thing that Jesus meant,
When He said, ‘Only believe! believe and try!
Try, try, and never mind the reason why!’