Demetrius was shattered. His days were lost in a sea of despair. His heart was drowning in the sea, but none could pull him back to shore. His friends said give him time, it will surely get better. But the wise old village woman knew they were wrong. Time doesn’t really heal all wounds.
The old woman, bent and browned by her years and toils, made her way up the sloping path to the house where Demetrius lived. She found Demetrius slumped over the table. The same table that Daria had been laid out on. She wasted no time, but roughly shook him to rouse him and said,
“Demetrius, do you want to be with Daria again?”
He could only sob and nod his head.
“Then you must do exactly as I say.”
The instructions the old wise woman gave were elaborate and detailed. Demetrius began to follow them before she was out of sight down the path to the village.
First, he went to the olive tree on the high slopes above, the one he knew she had fallen from. As the old woman had told him he must do, he put his hand on the trunk of the twisted old tree and said it was not to blame. He then asked for the gift of an olive. Nothing happened for some time. After a few minutes Demetrius looked up into the branches above him. An olive dropped and hit him squarely between the eyes.