To Each His Own

Feeling put out, Toad hoisted himself up higher onto a somewhat larger stone. He had clearly reached his maximum altitude and sat on that stone. He opened his wide mouth, licked his face and put forth a croaking version of a finch squeak. He tried to tilt his head this way and that like a finch would, but his lack of a neck of any sort made it difficult. He lifted his front arms, waving his hands this way and that, as if he were flapping his wings. This at last earned a little nod of approval from Finch.

Toad began to enjoy the feel of the smooth stone under him and the warmth of the sun on his back. He began to take in the view. It was actually quite pleasing. He felt his trepidation drifting away as he watched a nearby chipmunk stuff his cheeks with fallen birdseed.

Finch, for her part, was finding a certain sense of serenity as she held herself still and quiet there under the ginger leaves. She felt a little thrill as she watched the bustling around her. Knowing that she was hidden and unseen, she felt a sense of calm and well-being as her body pressed close to the ground. She closed her eyes. She felt a vibration and power from the ground. It was as if the earth was a huge whispering creature, embracing her, holding her close.

“I’ve never been up this high!” said Toad, interrupting her sensations. “It’s like I can see the whole world from up here!” Finch felt amused. Toad was barely off the ground at all, but he was clearly quite pleased with himself as he surveyed the surrounding garden. “There’s quite a breeze up here too!” he said.
